Chertezhi Samoleta H 14a

  понедельник 11 февраля

The value of the heat and water budget in presenting a coherent scheme of physical phenomena to university classes has been demonstrated in this chapter; its value in research has been shown in specific regions.

In 1946 Henri Mignet has developed an upgraded version of the HM-290 aircraft. The new aircraft, designated HM-293 had similar geometric dimensions, but its design has been considerably strengthened compared to the previous machine. In addition the design envisaged installation of various piston engines with power from 50 to 70 hp In the future, the aircraft built in series. HM-293 was the last aircraft Henri Mignet created them before emigrating to Argentina. Like its predecessor HM-293 received a second life - in the early 80s Rodolph Grunberg re-built aircraft, equipped with its engine Rotax. ================================ The set includes 94 sheets: Drawings Characteristics of Tech.

Description of the aircraft An article about a plane Drawings and manuals in English. But, in principle, is clear.

The volume of product 70 Mb. JPG and PDF format ================================ The scheduled performance of 'Le HM-293' Modification. HM-293 Wingspan, m. 6.10 Aircraft length, m. 3.80 Wing area, m2 12.46. Weight, kg empty aircraft. 170 Engine Type.

Chertezhi Samoleta H 14a

1 PD Rotax 503 Power, HP. 1 x 52 The maximum speed, km / h. 180 Cruising speed, km / h.

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Full text of ' NASA TECHNICAL TRANS L ATI O N cs NASA U f-542 m o X I ^ a 1 > o a 0- CD LOAN COPY: RETURN TO AFWL tWLOL-2) KIRTtAND AFB, N MEX AERODYNAMICS AND FLIGHT DYNAMICS OF TURBOJET AIRCRAFT by T. Ligmn Transport Press, Moscow, 1967 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION • WASHINGTON, D. • SEPTEMBER 1969 iiii TECH LIBRARY KAFB, NM DOb'^lDOa iN-fXlOfX X J. X-ua.«j AERODYNAMICS AND FLIGHT DYNAMICS OF TURBOJET AIRCRAFT By T. Ligum Translation of 'Aerodinamika i Dinamika Poleta Turboreaktivnykh Samoletov' Transport Press, Moscow, 1967 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION For sal* by the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information Springfield, Virginia 22151 - CFSTI price $3.00 / Table of Contents Introduction.,•■•• Chapter I.

The Physical Basis of High-Speed Aerodynamics §1. Variations in the Parameters of Air with Altitude. The Standard Atmosphere. Compressibility of Air. The Propagation of Small Disturbences in Air Sound and Sound Waves.

The Speed of Sound as a Criterion for the Compressibility of Gases. The Mach Number and its Value in Flight Problems §6. Flight Speed. Corrections to Instrument Readings Necessitated by Compressibility. The Character of the Propagation of Minor Perturbations in Flight at Various Altitudes.