Introduction To Python Programming And Developing Gui Applications With Pyqt Pd

  понедельник 04 марта

Harwani Editor: Cengage Learning ISBN: Size: 11,80 MB Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi Read: 99 INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON PROGRAMMING AND DEVELOPING GUI APPLICATIONS WITH PYQT 1E teaches Python programming step-by-step through practical examples that readers can see in action right away. It begins with a solid introduction of Python from scratch, covering loops, control structures, sequences, functions, classes, and exception handling. Thereafter, the book explores file handling and GUI application development in PyQT, the powerful cross-platform GUI layout and forms builder that allows programmers to rapidly design and build widgets and dialogs. This is a great book for newbie programmers interested in learning Python. Author: Bintu Harwani Editor: CRC Press ISBN: Size: 10,99 MB Format: PDF, ePub Read: 879 PhoneGap is a standards-based, open-source development framework that can be deployed to any mobile device without losing the features of the native app—allowing for access to device contacts, the local file system, camera, and media on multiple platforms without requiring users to write a single line of code. Ideal for intermediate to advanced users, PhoneGap Build: Developing Cross Platform Mobile Applications in the Cloud offers the comprehensive coverage you need to harness the power of this dynamic tool.

It provides complete coverage of the cloud computing platform and the theories behind cloud computing, using a series of engaging examples. The book explains the differences between existing mobile platforms, the different types of browsers they support, and the programming languages and integrated development environment required to develop apps for each of them. It then describes how PhoneGap makes the task of developing cross-platform mobile apps easier. This book will teach you how to use: HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to develop apps for devices across various mobile operating systems PhoneGap Build to develop mobile apps in the cloud PhoneGap with Sencha Touch and jQuery Mobile Back end databases to store and retrieve information The text starts with simpler applications and gradually moves toward describing advanced concepts and how to exploit different application programming interfaces and methods. By the time you finish the book, you will learn how to develop feature-rich mobile applications that can run on the cloud to support different platforms. Supplying authoritative guidance and proven best practices for designing cloud-based applications, the book is an ideal reference for cloud system developers, architects, and IT professionals. It is also suitable for use in instructional settings.

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Introduction To Python Programming And Developing Gui Applications With Pyqt Pd

Introduction to GUI programming in Python. PyQt: Python bindings for the Qt application development. PyQt simplifies development with the introduction of.