Kak Ustanovitj Windows 98 Bez Zagruzochnoj Disketi

  четверг 08 ноября

98lite might let you strip Win98 pretty easily. The real kicker's going to be paths. See if your main OS will let you format it as a DOS system disk, and then try booting from it - does DOS even work sanely, recognizing the pen drive as the 'C:' drive, and so forth?

If so, slap on win98 bootdisk stuff, boot to it, and find some way of installing 98 from a CD or the hard disk, if they're readable. I imagine it'll be hell on the flash RAM chips, though. Might be fun to try myself, but I don't have a near large enough flash drive sitting around. My 'normal usuable' 98lite installs are usually around 160mB, a normal Win98 install's 250ish. Keep that in mind;).

Naložil sem si Windows XP (prej sem imel Windows 98). Ali disketi za to zvočno kartico? Pogledaš na desno stran če imaš kak rumen vprašaj?in tam bi. Dec 27, 2004  Microsoft Windows; Boot Windows 95 from Pen Drive? What about windows 98 then, i know tht supports usb but dont know bout usb2. If not then maybe 2000, althouhg i.

I dont see why not, but your going to be stripping it down to its boxers and socks. Ermm yeh 98lite was the progy if i was thinkin off - must go look tht up taking out dx / ie / oe / imgs/screensavers etc i think i cud manage to cut it down to about 120ishmb i'll give 95 a go first as it SHUD be simplier if what Pilsbury works in practice once i find the hideing disk i'll give it a shot and let you all know how i get on! - if i do get it workin i'll post a guide btw is there a '98lite' or similar for win 95?

A /dev directory containing a special file for all devices to be used by the system is mandatory for any Linux system. The directory itself is a normal directory, and can be created with mkdir in the normal way. The device special files, however, must be created in a special way, using the mknod command. There is a shortcut, though — copy devices files from your existing hard disk /dev directory. The only requirement is that you copy the device special files using -R option. This will copy the directory without attempting to copy the contents of the files. Be sure to use an upper case R.

For example: cp -dpR /dev/fd[01]* /mnt/dev cp -dpR /dev/tty[0-6] /mnt/dev assuming that the diskette is mounted at /mnt. The dp switches ensure that symbolic links are copied as links, rather than using the target file, and that the original file attributes are preserved, thus preserving ownership information. If you want to do it the hard way, use ls -l to display the major and minor device numbers for the devices you want, and create them on the diskette using mknod. However the devices files are created, check that any special devices you need have been placed on the rescue diskette.

For example, ftape uses tape devices, so you will need to copy all of these if you intend to access your floppy tape drive from the bootdisk. Note that one inode is required for each device special file, and inodes can at times be a scarce resource, especially on diskette filesystems. You'll need to be selective about the device files you include. For example, if you do not have SCSI disks you can safely ignore /dev/sd*; if you don't intend to use serial ports you can ignore /dev/ttyS*. If, in building your root filesystem, you get the error No space left on device but a df command shows space still available, you have probably run out of inodes.

A df -i will display inode usage. The /etc directory contains configuration files. What it should contain depends on what programs you intend to run.

On most systems, these can be divided into three groups: • Required at all times, e.g. Rc, fstab, passwd. • May be required, but no one is too sure. • Junk that crept in.

Files which are not essential can usually be identified with the command: ls -ltru This lists files in reverse order of date last accessed, so if any files are not being accessed, they can be omitted from a root diskette. Marvel vs capcom 2 xbox 360 iso download. On my root diskettes, I have the number of config files down to 15. This reduces my work to dealing with three sets of files: • The ones I must configure for a boot/root system: • rc.d/* -- system startup and run level change scripts • fstab -- list of file systems to be mounted • inittab -- parameters for the init process, the first process started at boot time. • gettydefs -- parameters for the init process, the first process started at boot time. • The ones I should tidy up for a boot/root system: • passwd -- Critical list of users, home directories, etc. • group -- user groups.