Metal Gear Solid 4 3d Models From Photographs

  пятница 15 февраля

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots With Case For PS3 Very Good 5Z. Sony PlayStation 3. 5.0 out of 5 stars. Metal Gear Solid Sony PlayStation 4 Video Games.

[B][U]RAW Models[/U][/B] Sorry to open another thread about MGS, but I think that is the only way to have an order in my uploads, and that slowly I'll upload once finalizing The process can be slow due to the extraction system of the textures. (hex method). I remind you that there a[URL='texture extractor[/URL] made ​​by Jayk and that can be used if necessary!

[QUOTE=Lt_C;43677501]I've read that it's a pain in the ass, so I can understand. Just let us know when you do get a chance to extract them. I can't speak for everybody, but I'd rather have less models with all the textures then more models with just the barebones minimums.[/QUOTE] Yeah.

Getting less models with fully working materials is better than many, which have to be released multiple times as the textures show up. [QUOTE=LTJGPliskin;43678576]I'm guessing these are for XNALara?[/QUOTE] They're unrigged OBjs.

Pervy easter eggs As though meeting special requirements to see Meryl's skivvies wasn't bad enough, that trope has continued for the entirety of the series. In pretty much every Metal Gear, you can find a hidden easter egg that has no other reason to exist other than to get Solid Snake rock-hard. Naomi is probably one of the least-sexualized females in the franchise, and even she isn't safe from Kojima's ogling eye. When first meeting Naomi in Metal Gear Solid 4, there's a hidden trick to the resulting cutscene. Normally when you press one of the triggers, you can zoom-in on the action, whatever that might be.

But pressing the button during this specific cutscene will show you what Snake sees. See how they shake independently of each other? That uncomfortable wonkiness is thanks to the Sixaxis, the PlayStation 3's motion-sensing controller. All you have to do is give that joystick a shake and anything Rose has to say is immediately devalued by her jellofied bosoms.

For the grossest of such easter eggs, we have to go back to Metal Gear Solid 2. On its own, that poster is pretty tame. A pin-up in a locker room isn't really notable, and it's even the kind of thing you might expect in the living quarters of an all-male military base. But stare at the poster too long and you'll get a call from Otacon. No, that's not a graphical glitch. Snake really is heaving and panting like he was just jerkin' it to the lady on that poster.

In case it wasn't clear enough: In the HD ports, triggering this codec conversation earns you an achievement called 'Snake Beater.' What a thrill. Unlimited Creepy photoshoot minigames Following the success of the original Metal Gear Solid, Kojima released an expanded game with 200 Virtual Reality missions that pushed the game's mechanics to their limit. These VR Missions were a challenge unlike anything in the main game. But just when you thought that there would be no room for oversexualized females, types gives you the chance to photograph (i.e. Leer at) your tech support. One of these victims is Mei Ling, the eighteen year old child prodigy whose only appearance in MGS was on the codec, and as such consisted of just a hand drawn picture and nothing else.

In a special VR mission, she appears in fully rendered 3D, posing provocatively whilst Snake snaps those pics. It's almost refreshing in its honesty.

There's no flimsy justification, no failure state. It's just plopping you in a Tron-like world with a lady and saying 'Take pictures! Don't forget the zoom button, weirdo!' Though it's up to the player as to just how skeevy they want to get, the implications here are bizarre and unsettling. Either a) Mei Ling and Naomi are being projected into VR, and they're doing all this through motion-capture technology that can't pick up their tears of despair, or b) Someone lovingly programmed 3D models of their female co-workers and gave them suggestive characteristics.

Either way, someone's probably want to talk to HR about this. Konami and Kojima played the same VR bonus mission card with the MGS2 rerelase. Again there were a lot of fun challenges, only this time they made creepy photography into a full-blown mission type. All you have to do is sneak around and wait from afar, until Meryl to strikes an improbable pose. The photo mode reached its disturbing zenith with MGS4. In this case, it involved a series of bosses called The Beauties. After intense battles with each of these women, their mecha exoskeltons break down and they just sort of walk at you, occasionally writhing in agonizing ecstasy.