Priglashenie Na Proschanie S Bukvarem
EurLex-2 en 61 As to the remainder, in so far as the arguments set out in paragraphs 50 to 52 of the present judgment allege an error of law with regard to the assessment of the question whether MasterCard is an association of undertakings, it should be noted that, contrary to the Commission’s contention, the appellants are not, in essence, merely challenging the assessment of the facts made at first instance, but are relying, for the main part, on questions of law which are admissible at the appeal stage. EurLex-2 en 76 The applicants in the main proceedings argue that the legislation at issue in those proceedings, by increasing dramatically the amount of gambling taxes levied on the operation of slot machines in amusement arcades, while providing for the transition to an operating system based on a central server, then by prohibiting the operation of those machines outside casinos, without an appropriate transitional period or compensation for the operators concerned, infringes the principles of legal certainty and the protection of legitimate expectations.
CHetvertaya vstrecha 27.05.91 TSAP 1 (1) Vstupitelnoe slovo i o novoj organizatsii Grushinskogo festivalya 2 (2) Monolog marshala ('YA marshal, posylayuschij na boj.' ) 3 (3) Istorii o pesnyah, ne voshedshih v spektakli 4 (4) Druzya i vragi ('Nashih pylnyh dvorov mechtateli.' ) 5 (5) Pokin svoj gorod 6 (6) Lyubovnitsa Bloka ('Bez dereva vysohshej vetkoj.' ) 7 (7) O zhenschinah na sudne 8 (8) Atlantida ('Atlanticheskih voln pautina.'
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) 9 (9) Ostrov Gvadelupa ('Takie, brat, dela.' ) 10 (10) Donskoj monastyr ('A v Donskom monastyre.' ) 11 (11) Novodevichij monastyr ('Snova ryab na vode.' ) 12 (12) Zabavnye istorii o zhene frantsuzskogo posla 13 (13) ZHena frantsuzskogo posla ('A mne ne Tani snyatsya i ne Gali.' ) 14 (14) O polyarnom plavane 15 (15) Teni tundry ('Vo mhah i travah.' ) 16 (16) O ispytanii bomb na Novoj zemle i staryh lageryah 17 (17) Moryaki ledokolnogo flota ('Ne zovut nas k sebe goroda.'
) 18 (18) Morskie bajki 19 (19) Na vostok ('Slovno vorony.' ) 20 (20) Buhta Natalya ('V raspadkah krutyh.' ) 21 (21) Proliv Sangar ('Bet volna za udarom udar.' ) 22 (22) Vosem s polovinoj (Pochemu rasstalis) ('Silnyj i bessilnyj.'
) 23 (23) Vozduhoplavatelnyj park ('Kuda, peterburgskie zhiteli.' ) 24 (24) Svadba (pamyati Sofi Perovskoj) ('Lyubimoj moj.' ) 25 (25) Vspominaya Fejhtvangera ('Po vesennemu solnyshko greet.' ) 26 (26) Raspechalim pechal gosudarevu ('Ot chego sna-pokoya ne vedaya.' ) 27 (27) Vanka ('My narod artelnyj.' ) 28 (28) Okonchanie vstrechi Pyataya vstrecha 24.10.91 TSAP 1 (29) Vstupitelnye - vstretimsya, esli ne budet grazhdanskoj vojny 2 (30) Pamyatnik v Pyatigorske ('Prodaet fotograf snimki.' ) 3 (31) Essentuki ('Poka suhaya osen.'
) 4 (32) Proliv Sangar ('Bet volna.' ) 5 (33) Ostrova v okeane ('I vblizi i vdali.' ) 6 (34) Novaya Zelandiya ('Ne povyshaet nastroeniya.' ) 7 (35) Ne vernutsya ('S kraya sushi zovut goroda.' ) 8 (36) Istoriya pogruzheniya v glubokovodnom apparate 9 (37) Pesnya podvodnogo pilota ('Ne pishi trevozhnyh pisem.' ) 10 (38) Ponta Delgada ('V gorode Ponta Delgada.' ) 11 (39) Eltanin ('SHtorm v rajone Eltanina.' Generator skana pasporta pictures.
) 12 (40) Rasskaz o zhenschinah na nervnoj pochve 13 (41) Tihij okean ('List poslednij.' ) 14 (42) O Kurilah 15 (43) Novogodnyaya ('CHto za sagi chto za runy.' ) 16 (44) Proschanie s Moskvoj ('Proschaj, Moskva.' ) 17 (45) Arbatskie starushki ('Ah, kak u vremeni.'
) 18 (46) Mezh Moskvoj i Leningradom 19 (47) TSarskoe selo ('Davaj poedem v TSarskoe selo.' ) 20 (48) O Pushkine 21 (49) Duel ('Za dachnuyu okrugu.' ) 22 (50) Gamlet ('Nischeta na vsej zemle.' ) 23 (51) O pesne 'Navodnenie' 24 (52) Navodnenie ('CHto my tolko za vek svoj ne videli.' ) 25 (53) Solovki ('Osuzhdaem vas, monahi.' ) 26 (54) Gvardejskij valsok ('Pridushili Petra.'
) 27 (55) O Pasternake, Bitove i prochih pisatelyah 28 (56) Pamyati Vladimira Vysotskogo ('Na Vagankovom goryat suhie listya.' ) 29 (57) Nas ostalos malo 30 (58) Predatelstvo 31 (59) Atlanty ('Kogda na serdtse tyazhest.'