How To Play Blues Ukulele Pdf Songs
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Easy Blues licks on the ukulele 4U. Learn some easy Blues licks for ukulele in standard. 7 Great resources for learning to play blues licks on the ukulele. Yes, you can play the blues on a ukulele. The Blues are at the heart of all American music. V7 progression can be used for a number of songs. The stems pointing down are picked by the thumb.
Throughout October I decided to play nothing but the blues. It didn’t matter if there was something else I desperately wanted to learn, it would have to wait.
Why did I do this I hear you cry (ok maybe I can’t hear you but if you’re still reading you must be interested). Prefer listening to audio?
You can listen to this post by clicking the play button below or you can here. Quite frankly I wasn’t improving. My practice sessions had lost their way. I’d find myself half learning the intro to a song and moving on to something else that tickled my fancy.
By focusing only on the blues, I figured I would have to see some improvement in my playing. I wasn’t specifically looking for improvement in the blues, but with it having such a strong standing in modern music it seemed like a good place to start. Here I am on day 1. A post shared by (@ukulelego) on Sep 30, 2017 at 9:01am PDT I’ve detailed below everything I found helpful when it came to progressing my blues ukulele playing.
Those resources took a number of forms: physical books, ebooks, YouTube channels, websites and more. I looked all over for material to help me learn. Probably the two main resources were Al Wood’s ebook.
I learned quite a lot in my 30 days and I’ll definitely be doing it again! If you’ve spent any time on this site you’ll know that I’ve mentioned Al Wood’s How to Play Blues Ukulele before. It’s pretty much the most comprehensive resource out there for blues ukulele (certainly that I’ve found). It starts off very simple but takes you to a good level covering everything from strumming to licks and riffs. Manitoba Hal’s YouTube Channel I don’t think has been mentioned on my site before.
This is a huge shame as there’s some great blues lessons on it. Hal is a brilliant blues player with some great tips and advice. His lessons tend to breeze along at a fair old pace but you can always rewind and play again.
Came in handy but wasn’t used as much as Al’s book. It has a lot of blues riffs in it (in pretty much all keys). The reason I didn’t lean on this book quite so heavily is that I didn’t actually like a lot of the riffs in it. Some of them are really basic. Some of the theory in the book is great though and I really liked the recommended listening section.
It got me listening to a lot of blues music which has been a big help. What Have I Learned Here’s a short video I recorded after the 30 day experiment (hopefully I did more than just put a jacket on).
A post shared by (@ukulelego) on Nov 1, 2017 at 1:17am PDT Better 12 Bar Blues The first thing I really learned and developed was solidifying my knowledge of the 12 bar blues. Obviously the 12 bar blues isn’t particularly difficult to learn but I became more used to it. I learned intro and outros and tips and tricks to make my blues playing better. More Minor Pentatonic Positions The next thing I learned was the minor pentatonic scale in multiple positions. I’ve always been comfortable playing the minor pentatonic scale but only in a single position. Through soloing a lot, I found myself jumping into different positions more often.