Inf Installer Tool
USB driver installer for FTDI and Libusb drivers. This tool simplifies installation of the USB drivers for Libusb and FTDI D2XX drivers for your devices. Simply select the device from the list, right-click, select the desired driver type and the tool will do the rest.
In general I`ll try. Install at one machine and see if the settings are for this printer/supplies. If you want to connect to the printer via USB, the USB driver will give you more features than the standard (maybe wake-up or supplies level) The first one seems to be the storageDOT4 driver (hpzi st13.cat). The second seems to be the USB printer driver (HPZi us13.cat). But if you have the CD, there should be an admin tool to configure the printerdriver and generate an installer for the clients.
If you don`t have the CD, try to download here: (folder lj = laserjet, dj = deskjet, jetdirect is the HP printserver). You can attempt to accomplish this two ways: First: Write a batch file for the specific.inf files to be installed: rem tested/works:inf ver findstr /il 'Version 6.' > nul if%ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto:vista:xp start/wait rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 4%_% goto:eof:vista%SystemRoot% System32 InfDefaultInstall.exe '%_%':eof ****************************************************************************************************************** Second: From the command line type: rundll32 syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultInstall 128.inf Hope this helps.
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INF-Tool is an alternative to huge, complicated, expensive setup programs. INF-Tool lets you design full-featured installation solutions, including uninstall support, quickly (see a ).

The program offers four integrated setup methods: small 'single-EXE' setups; ZIP- or CAB-based setups; multivolume, self-extracting packages; or setups centered around small setup scripts in the INF format. INF-Tool supports 21 languages.
INF-Tool Lite is now freeware for noncommercial distributions. Advanced features are available only in the INF-Tool Professional version.